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Sillones de exterior
Visit the website and discover the collection of outdoor armchairs carefully chosen for you by BartHome. Design, elegance, color and quality of materials and finishes to decorate your outdoor space at BartHome!

Sillones de exterior
Sillòn Vermobil Hamptons
Standard Metal - BCU - Embossed White
Standard Metal - AG - Antique Gray
Metal Estándar - BRO - Bronce
Metal Estándar - FA - Barro
Standard Metal - NE - Black
Business Fabric - ANS - Anthracite
Business Fabric - ECS - Ecru
Metal pintado estándar - Beige - BE
Standard Metal - BS - Pearl White
Business Fabric - TPS - Mole
Special metal - TC - Terracotta
Special Metal - ME - Mint
Business Fabric - GRS - Grey
Tessuto Avant-grand - WSS - white star
Tessuto Avant-grand - FSS grey mud star
Fabric Avant-grand - CSS - Cream star
Sunset fabric - COPS - copper
Sunset fabric - FRESH - Fresh
Sunset Fabric - ICES - Ice
Sunset fabric - LIMS - Limestone
Sunset Fabric - PERS - Parchment
Sillones de exterior
Sillón bajo Vermobil Flora
Standard Metal - BCU - Embossed White
Standard Metal - AG - Antique Gray
Metal Estándar - BRO - Bronce
Metal Estándar - FA - Barro
Standard Metal - NE - Black
Business Fabric - ANS - Anthracite
Metal pintado estándar - Beige - BE
Business Fabric - ECS - Ecru
Business Fabric - TPS - Mole
Special metal - TC - Terracotta
Special Metal - ME - Mint
Business Fabric - GRS - Grey
Business Fabric - BRS - Brisa
Business Fabric - FOS - Fossil
Tessuto Avant-grand - WSS - white star
Tessuto Avant-grand - FSS grey mud star
Fabric Avant-grand - CSS - Cream star
Sunset fabric - COPS - copper
Sunset fabric - FRESH - Fresh
Sunset Fabric - ICES - Ice
Sunset fabric - LIMS - Limestone
Sunset Fabric - PERS - Parchment
Sillones de exterior
Sillón Vermobil Alamari
Standard Metal - BCU - Embossed White
Standard Metal - AG - Antique Gray
Metal Estándar - BRO - Bronce
Metal Estándar - FA - Barro
Standard Metal - NE - Black
Metal pintado estándar - Beige - BE
Standard Metal - BS - Pearl White
Tessuto Avant-grand - WSS - white star
Tessuto Avant-grand - FSS grey mud star
Fabric Avant-grand - CSS - Cream star
Sunset fabric - COPS - copper
Sunset fabric - FRESH - Fresh
Sunset Fabric - ICES - Ice
Sunset fabric - LIMS - Limestone
Sunset Fabric - PERS - Parchment