- Mobilier
- Accessoires et compléments
- Eclairage
- La cuisine
- Luminaire d'extérieur
- Canapés de jardin
- Lit de soleil
- Parasol
- Fauteuils d'extérieur
- Tables d'extérieur
- Tables basses d'extérieur
- Chaises d'extérieur
- Pouf d'extérieur
- Douches extérieures
- Vases et jardinières
- Braseros
- Tabourets d'extérieur
- Barbecues et grillades
- Bancs extérieurs
- Ensembles de jardin complets
- Meubles de chambre d'enfant
- Mobilier de bureau
- Mobilier collectif
- Prêt pour la livraison
- Environnements
- Marque
- La maison moderne
Liste des produits de la marque Gallotti&Radice
Gallotti & Radice was the first company in Italy, since the early sixties, to promote the love for the study and for the use of crystal in furniture. One feels, and is, today, invested with the task and the role to continue, to keep alive the development of the "true" design of the crystal. The crystal, which is both very fragile and very strong, transparent and immutable, light and eternal, must be approached, by those who design the architecture, with sincere respect and intimate transport, with authentic poetry (which is true creativity, as the his Greek etymology) and with intense discipline, with patience, reverence, tenacity. With love.
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